there is no one can know when the Laylat Al-Qadr will come. but I believe some of us can feel its presence.
I have been told by my neighbor who is acknowledged as a religious person. He said the Laylat Al-Qadr has come at one night with some signs in the morning- taken from Imam Ghazali's statement. The sign that can be seen with our eyes is: Sun will rise and shine its beautiful white radiance.
so that I want to see in the early morning at the time of sunrise to ensure my presumption. hope I have witnessed the Laylat Al-Qadr and so have you all. Ameen.
and tomorrow is our special day. we have won preventing ourselves from any bad things, bad desires, bad behaviors, and bad attitudes since the first day of Ramadan until the last day, today. may Allah always protects us, grants us the blessings in our life after Eid Ul-Fitr and forever after.